Monthly Archives: January 2013

Last minute is possible with a 10 month old…

Around 2pm, we decided to go to Geneva. As in Geneva, Switzerland.
Sunday started like most other Sundays – relaxing and planning where to go out for the day. My husband knew he needed to be in Geneva tonight and while we were out, Little Man and I decided to join him on the trip.
So…we had to be quick. We had about 90 minutes at home to get packed and ready to go. Fortunately, travelling and air flight isn’t new for us so we already had a mental list ready and we split tasks. I was responsible for calling the airline to buy the tickets and also sort out iPods for music as well as get the wet bag ready. Once I sorted out the tickets and music, I’d help finish up the packing. My husband was in charge of packing the buggy (it’s supposed to be warm and sunny on Tuesday so I’m hoping to take a run along the lake with Little Man) and clothes.
The way we pack is probably a tightly choreographed dance, with the two of us reminding each other things – “Passports!” I’d call out, “Onesies!” he’d reply. “Pjs!” I’d say, “Chargers!” He’d call back. And so on.
Pretty soon, we called for a taxi – and off we went!
I think there were two things that we could have brought but aren’t crucial – the rain cover for the stroller and our cool new travel high chair. Well, a seat that clamps onto tables. It’s brilliant and Little Man loves it. He feels like he’s a part of the meal. We just have to make sure that anything we don’t want him to touch is within reach. But most places have high chairs or he can sit on our laps, so it wasn’t something that would ruin the trip.
Anyway, ninety minutes later and we were on our way to the airport. Fortunately, the airport we flew out of is 10 minutes away (we definitely wouldn’t have made it if we decided to fly from Heathrow). Two carry on bags, a nappy bag and a stroller bag. Not bad, I think, for a two day, three night trip. Including baby!
A note about the flight…there are a lot more things that a 10 month old is interested in on a plane than an 8 month old. Little Man had a great investigation on the magazines in the seat back compartment, the cup of water given to us (a little hand bath) and an empty plastic bottle. It’s amazing what you can find as distraction for a baby on a plane.
Now it’s way too late, we finally got Little Man to sleep and now it’s time for me to sleep.
Tomorrow…we’ll explore Geneva a bit with Daddy before relaxing the rest of the afternoon.
I’m leaving you with a photo of a very cool bag a little boy we saw had. Most kids have Trunkis, but not this one…


Have you ever decided to travel last minute? For some people, it completely stresses them out, for us, it’s fun. What about you?

Canary Wharf fun

For those of you looking for something fun to do this weekend in London, head out to Canary Wharf for the (London Ice Festival. It’s got some great ice sculptures, a snow area for kids plus lots of great food and dessert vendors all the way in the back (head there instead of the food truck you see immediately for hot chocolate and treats).
While you’re there, if you want to hang out inside, go visit the (free) Museum of the Docklands. If you have little ones, there is a great cafe and soft play area.